Where has the time gone

At some point, I remembered starting to rejoin the workforce, and all of a sudden, here I am, with my blog completely neglected, and myself being no better financially than Day 1 at work. Nothing is as easy as you think of it before you really get into it. Anyway. I did have some chances to take pictures with my beloved Leica, although they were few and far between. I’ve also partly switched from trains to my new cat. She’s the most adorable thing.

Oh, and I traded my APS-C sized Canon in for a Micro 4/3 Olympus mirrorless, so I can effectively double the focal lengths of my M-Mount lenses. That’s the direction I’ll go, I think. I might get one actual MFT lens at some point just so I have auto-focus when I need it, but otherwise, it will be aperture dials and manual focus all the way.

Heavy Instagram filter applied, shot in Montreal with the good ole 2.0/90 wide open on the Leica M

Forgot what lens, shot at wide open, with the Olympus (thank heavens for focus peaking), in the end, who cares, muh sweet kitteh!


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