The first from the new camera on!

The persistently cloudy weather these days has been discouraging. But good things (sometimes) come to those who wait. All I needed was a few minutes of cooperation from the weather, and luck was on my side, just as the sun was about to dip below the Cologner skyline.

I had to do quite a bit of cropping to get the result I wanted. Although it was a 50mm f/1.5 Voigtländer Nokton lens I had used, the end result was probably closer to something from a 90mm lens. Focusing on a rangefinder on a 50mm lens was easy enough for this shot since all I had to do was leaving it at infinity. The aperture was closed down to something like f/5.6 or f/8, although I probably had enough light to go all the way down to f/16. I didn't want to take a chance with moving trains and depth-of-field wasn't an issue here.

Having metered the bright sky before I clicked my shutter, I was pleasantly surprised about how clean the shadows were once I brought them up in Lightroom. This heartbreakingly beautiful Leica M Typ 262 is my first full-frame camera, and maybe this is all the rage people had with them? Because I would've expected to have to do a little more messing around with de-noise and so on had I taken this photo with my 70D.

I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of making this photograph. It's been fun working with a rangefinder camera and I'm really looking forward to the many years to come with this hefty little thing.


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