Ouch, it's just more than few minutes late this time

I pulled an ICE, I know. The last month had been a little hectic. I had to move twice in a span of about 2 weeks, and now I'm getting ready for another move in another 2 weeks. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to my carefree grad student lifestyle in Europe, but I had to face reality again sooner or later.

The first morning I woke up in Ontario, again, the last two years felt like a long dream. If it wasn't for the new contacts on my phone, the blog posts, my new camera, and my new degree, maybe the whole Germany thing really didn't happen at all.

Two days ago, I finally had my first chance to test out the Leica on foreign soil. The weather didn't cooperate, but I was lucky enough to see a few trains in a span of just 90 minutes. Via Rail's P42s had a new paint job to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the country, but they looked like they were never sandblasted and was just painted over (those spots on the nose where paint used to chip off).

So here they are (Summicron pre-asph. 2/90 at f/8 at ISO 400), nothing too spectacular, but fun nonetheless.


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