Feeding my GAS

At one point or another, we all fall victim to the notorious GAS, or the so-called Gear Acquisition Syndrome. To be honest, I was actually quite proud of the fact that I went through a bit of a down-sizing first. I went from a dSLR and a bunch of useless lens options, to only a few items of real high quality. That only lasted so long, before I became so mesmerized by the magical-looking Bokeh classic Meyer-Optik-Goerlitz lens made. At the first opportunity, I jumped onto the Indiegogo bandwagon, and pledged into the 1.9/75 lens. Like anybody who’s too eager and excited to even read the big print, I completely missed the fact that although the lens will come in M-Mount, but will not have rangefinder coupling. Say what?

Of course, my M Typ 262 is so basic, that it doesn’t even support an external EVF. Now what?

I guess I can still mount it onto my little E-M10, and use it as a 150 mm lens, but that defeats the purpose a little. For certain applications, the lack of rangefinder coupling is completely okay. For example, the nerdy train photos I will be taking. There’s always gonna be enough distance to work with, even at the widest aperture, I shouldn’t need to worry about setting precise focus. I’ll be fine with leaving it at infinity or the most part. When I use a narrower aperture, I can use the hyper focal distance to get away with it in most scenarios too. But portraits... or any subject in closer range...

Is it time, then, to bust out the good ole measuring tape? I hear the professional film people still do it anyway. It’s something worth considering anyway, but maybe I won’t be able to open it all the way to f/1.9. Um... Or... (Now GAS is speaking), maybe it’s time for another camera body all together to mitigate the consequences from the misjudgements in my amateur photography career? What do I wa... I mean need? A Leica CL? Sony A7 III? Oh, Sony A7R II? It might drive me nuts eventually, hey, it’s fun to thinking about buying shiny new toys, right?

I may have to stop myself right here. Yeah... I think I’ll stick with what I have, and make a new experiment out of it, complete old school, re-learn and re-think photography like it’s new again. Maybe I’ll eventually end up with something else in my bag, but I think I have enough equipment to work with that will make me happy for a good while.


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